
What is DigitalYantras.com?

DigitalYantras is a blog where I share my views on blogging, seo, wordpress, google,  freelancing, money making with digital marketing skills and much more.

The main purpose of this blog is to add value to your existing knowledge and  the latest digital marketing news, tips, tricks and tools which will help all beginner bloggers, freelancers and startups.

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DigitalYantras.com Team

Name  – Arun Garg

Hi Dear Friends, I am the owner of digitalyantras and i love digital marketing because i think it is one of the most effective way to reach your target audience. It also provides me freedom to work from anywhere in the world. I also contribute to sites like medium and linkedin

You can reach me on Twitter,  Linkedin,and  arungarg.seo @ gmail.com or arun@digitalyantras.com

Name  – Neha Verma

Role – Graphics Designer

Name  – Rose Knight

Role – Contributor

I’m a digital marketing writer. I specialize in writing about marketing and online content. I have experience writing for small businesses, startups, and large organizations.

Name  – Sonika

Role – Editor

Sonika – I love working with companies that are doing amazing things with technology and helping others achieve their goals.

You can reach her on Twitter

Name –  DY Team 

Role – Contributor

DY Team consist of various people who help this blog running which includes designers, freelance writers and friends.

Name –  Guest Authors

From time to time I invite various authors and my friends to contribute to DigitalYantars.com to share their stories, journeys, experiences, tips, and tricks with us.

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