article submissio sites

Free Article Submission Sites – Manually Verified high da sites

Last Updated on April 3, 2023 by arun

Are you struggling to get your website noticed?   Are you looking for a way to boost your online presence? Look no further than article submission sites. These sites are different from profile creation sites and image submission sites.

These websites allow you to publish articles on almost every topic but what are article submission sites, and why are they important? Article submission sites are platforms where authors can submit their articles to be published online. By using these sites, you can reach a wider audience and establish yourself as an authority in your niche.

People from all over the world can read, share, and comment on your work. It’s like having your own personal stage to show off your writing skills!

Benefits of Using Article Submission Sites

Increased Exposure
For starters, submitting your articles to these sites can skyrocket your exposure. With millions of people visiting these sites every day, your work has the potential to reach a massive audience, and who knows, maybe even go viral!

High Google ranking 
These sites can also do wonders for your SEO. By submitting articles to these sites, you’re creating backlinks to your own website, which can help improve your search engine rankings.

Increased Traffic and Revenue
When people will read your article on an article submission site, some of them are likely to click on the link to your site and visit it. This can help your site to get more new visitors and improve your conversion rates and they can learn more about you and your work which can lead to more revenue for your business.

Tips for Using Article Submission Sites

Choose High Authority Sites like Linkedin, Medium

If you’re thinking of sharing your writing with others, it’s definitely a good idea to choose the right websites. You want to go for the ones that are popular and have a lot of traffic, so that more people will be able to see your work. By sharing your writing on Linkedin, Medium etc you can really help to boost your online presence and gain more recognition.

Carefully Read Guidelines

It’s really important to pay close attention to the guidelines they have in place. These guidelines cover everything from the right formatting and words length, no of links allowed etc. By following these guidelines, you can increase your chances of having your article accepted and published on the site. It’s kind of like following a recipe when you’re cooking – if you follow the instructions, you’ll end up with a great dish that everyone will love!

Write content that engages audience

If you want to use article submission websites, it’s important to write really good articles. Your article should teach something, be interesting, and well-written. This will make more people want to read your article and trust your brand.

How to Submit an Article in Article Submission Sites?

It’s simple and quick to submit an article to article submission platforms. Simply visit the website, look for the login page, and register. Some article submission platforms even let you sign in using your existing account with services like Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc. After signing up, you’ll be able to submit your article in the appropriate section.

What to do once your post has been accepted ? 

  • Make sure everyone knows about it. Distribute your story over all of your social media channels to get the word out.
  • Communicate with the audience by answering their questions and doubts. Use their suggestions to improve future posts.
  • Try contacting other blogs to see if they would be willing to publish your content. This might introduce you to a whole new set of potential customers and help you earn some quality inbound links.
  • Make sure to check how people interact with your content, how long they stay on the page, and other analytics. This will help you see how well your content is doing. If you notice that people are not staying on the page for very long or not interacting with your content, you may need to make some changes for future posts. By using this information, you can evaluate the quality of your work and make improvements.

What are DoFollow Article Submission Sites?

The term “DoFollow article submission sites” refers to websites that publish articles submitted by users and provide a “DoFollow” link back to the author’s website.   DoFollow links are great for SEO, but they must be earned honestly, and having too many or poor quality backlinks might damage a site’s rankings.

Top 10 Free Article Submission Sites List 2023

If you’re looking for a platform that has it all, Medium is the place to be. You can publish articles on just about any topic and reach a huge audience. ( Pulse ):

If you’re in the professional world, LinkedIn Pulse is a must-visit. You can publish articles and share them with your network, gaining valuable exposure and potentially landing new clients.

This site is a content-sharing powerhouse that lets you create and publish articles on a wide range of subjects. You’ll find everything from recipes to technology articles on HubPages.

It is not a typical article submission site. Instead, it’s primarily a website creation tool that allows users to build and host their own website for free. But you can use it for your main site promotion.

It isn’t your standard article submission site, it is a platform for hosting and sharing source code that facilitates developer collaboration on projects. Articles, tutorials, and other forms of documentation can also be hosted on the platform.

APSense is a social networking platform that allows professionals to connect, share content, and promote their businesses. It offers various features like business pages, groups, article publishing, and advertising options.

DZone is a technology website that provides content related to software development, DevOps, and IT management. It features articles, tutorials, and news written by industry experts, as well as a community-driven Q&A section.

When it comes to article directories, EzineArticles is a top contender. They accept high-quality content on just about any topic, and their editorial team is known for being very selective. :

This platform accepts articles on a wide range of topics, from health to lifestyle and everything in between. With its user-friendly interface, SooperArticles is a great place to start if you’re new to article submission.

Looking for a directory that’s all about personal development and self-help? SelfGrowth is the perfect fit. They accept articles on topics like spirituality, health, and relationships.

List of sites which were article directories in the past but now they are acquired by some one or no longer active. –  Changed into a personal blog – not opening – Changed into a personal blog and very less active.

Instant Article Approved Sites List 2023

SN Sites Name DA Approval
1 90 + Instant
2 90 + Instant
3 90 + Instant
4 90 + Instant
5 90 + Instant
6 90 + Instant
7 90 + Instant
8 90 + Instant
9 90 + Instant
10 90 + Instant
11 90 + Instant
12 85 + Instant
13 85 + Instant
14 85 + Instant
15 85 + Instant
16 85 + Instant
17 85 + Instant
18 80 + Instant
19 80 + Instant
20 80 + Instant
21 80+ Instant
22 60+ Instant
23 60+ Instant
24 50+ Instant
25 50+ Instant
26 50+ Instant
27 40+ Instant
28 40+ Instant
29 50+ Instant
30 40+ Instant
31 40+ Instant
32 30+ Instant
33 30+ Instant
34 40+ Instant

High DA and DR article accepting sites

SN Sites Name DA Free/Paid Approval
1 90 plus Free 7-14 days
2 90 plus Free 7-14 days
3 90 plus Free 7-14 days
4 90 plus Free 7-14 days
5 90 plus Free 7-14 days
6 80 plus Free 7-14 days
7 80 plus Free 7-14 days
8 80 plus Free 7-14 days
9 80 plus Free 7-14 days
10 80 plus Free 7-14 days
11 80 plus Free 7-14 days
12 70 plus Free 7-14 days
13 70 plus Free 7-14 days
14 70 plus Free 7-14 days
15 70 plus Free 7-14 days
16 60 plus Free 7-14 days
17 50 plus Free 7-14 days
18 50 plus Free 7-14 days
19 50 plus Free 7-14 days
20 50 plus Free 7-14 days
21 50 plus Free 7-14 days
22 50 plus Free 7-14 days
23 50 plus Free 7-14 days
24 50 plus Free 7-14 days
25 50 plus Free 7-14 days
26 / 50 plus Free 7-14 days
27 40 plus Free 7-14 days
28 40 plus Free 7-14 days
29 40 plus Free 7-14 days

I hope this list will be very helpful to you. If you found any other site which accepts article please write in comments. i will add that site in the list and if any site from above mentioned list is not working then i will remove that from the list.

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