How to start a wordpress blog in 2022

Last Updated on March 8, 2022 by arun

The Complete Guide to Start a WordPress Blog in 2022 is a comprehensive guide that provides everything you need to know about starting your own WordPress blog. It includes topics such as how to find your niche, choosing the right hosting, setting up your blog properly, and more. It also provides tips on how blogging can be monetized and ways that you can make money blogging. Here we discuss how to start a wordpress blog?

Blogging is becoming very popular as more freelancers, small businesses, and big brands use this blogging platform to convey their messages. So if you have expertise in any field or topic then you can start blogging and connect with others who share the same interests.

How to Pick a Niche and Create an Effective Blog Topic

This blog post will teach you how to pick a niche and create an effective blog topic.

To choose a niche, you need to be able to answer these questions:

– What is your target audience?

– What is your brand personality?

– What are your competitors in this industry?

– How do you want people to remember you?

– How do you want people to perceive your brand?

– How do you see yourself as a blogger in the future?

Starting a WordPress blog is easy as you need just mainly two things :

Domain Name – It is like a shop name in the physical world. Try to choose a good domain name that should be not too long and easy to remember. You can choose many among domain name service providers like GoDaddy, Namecheap, etc.

Hosting  – It is the place where your data will be stored.

Once you decided on a domain name and a good host like Bluehost, Hostgator,  then you can install a WordPress CMS on that blog.

After installing WordPress you can control many parameters like :

General settings: Here you can set the site title and tagline, new user default role, time zone, and date format according to your location and geography.

Reading: You can choose a static page or your latest posts whichever you want. You can decide how many posts will appear and in what length on the home page.

Writing:  Here you can define the default post category and format.

Permalinks:  You can decide how will be your blog URL will appear like :



You also can change the look of your WordPress blog by selecting a good WordPress theme in the Appearance section.


Visitors can express their views in the comments section. You can approve or delete a comment.

Tools :

You can import or export your website data. Also, you can check the health of your site here.


You can install as many plugins as according to your requirements.

If you are new to WordPress and need my help in installing WordPress for you or you have any doubts then you can contact us!


By arun

On DigitalYantras, I share my thoughts, and experiments with various digital marketing tools. I offer blogging, guest posting services . Let's connect on twitter and Linkedin

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