What is the ideal blog post length in terms of seo?

What is the ideal blog post length in terms of seo?

Last Updated on March 8, 2022 by arun

What should be the ideal blog post length should be to rank in search engines?

Blog post length can be anything between 300 to 10000 words as it all depends on the topic and competitiveness, if it requires lots of analysis to prove your points then it can be lengthy but a simple news article can cover the story in 500 words. While writing a blog post keep three things in mind :

Article should follow the TAT Formula :

  1. To the Point.
  2. Attractive enough for engaging.
  3. Takes minimum time to read.

Top digital marketing experts suggest that the post of your blog should be minimum 2000 to 2500 words long. Now let’s check some of the data to prove this fact :

  1. Hubspot suggests word count should be 2250 or greater :


post wordcount

2. Similarly, Moz along with BuzzSumo suggested the word count should be minimum 1000 words and I also agree with this as I find the most blog posts follows a thousand words criterion. Also, they found that content with1,000 words or more perform better in search results and people love to share and link them as compared to shorter articles with length less than 1000 words. Content formats matter like

entertainment videos, quizzes, videos and list posts get thousands of shares than other formats.

3. SerpIQ — Suggest 2,416 Words

SerpIQ in 2012 after analysing over 20,000 keywords find the average content length of top 10 results.

average content length

Backlinko – Suggest 1890 words for average blog post length

In its study, they found that articles with averages 1,890 words getting top position in google rankings.

So if you are targetting organic traffic from search engines like google, bing then post length should be greater than your competitors but also it should provide more value to your readers also.

Let’s check some top pros of long-form content  :

  • Chances of higher ranking in search results.
  • Lots of social media sharing as on Facebook, twitter etc.
  • Lots of backlinks the post gets.
  • Increase in website traffic and goal conversions.

“So the ideal blog post length for SEO is going to be based on how much value the content provides”

Now, let’s check some cons of long-form content :

  1.  Very difficult to write a long post which constantly engages the users.
  2. Research and fact findings take lots of time which increases the budget of a blog post.
  3. Study conducted by nng group prove that the average reader only reads about 25% of a blog post, which means skips remaining 75 % of the content in your longer posts.

I personally feel that you should not unnecessarily increase the blog post length because at present visitors have very less patience in whatever moment they find your blog post boring they will leave your site.

But in Social Media, it is totally opposite.

In social media, short-form content performs well. There is a trend of gif’s, videos, and pictures so choose your marketing funnel wisely. According to a study, 72% of people would like to see a video to learn about a service or product rather than reading content.

Now, lets check how the blog post length varies from niche to niche:

Neil patel in its blog post analyzed the various niches and their average blog post length:

If your blog belongs to :

tech, home and garden, gadgets, fashion, food, retail then you can choose the blog post length between 800 to 1200 

fintech, finance, manufacturing, marketing, healthcare, travel and films category have average blog post length is 1500 to 2500 words.

Conclusion :

Just ask yourself have you written the best content?

Will it solve your reader problems?

Will your audience appreciate it and will share also with others?

and keep these above points in mind and forget about the blog post length if you don’t care about search engine traffic.

So long blogs posts to get more traffic from google search engine, short blog posts to gain more social media traffic and sharing.

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