Last Updated on August 1, 2022 by arun

On-page SEO is a set of factors that can affect your webpages rankings in search engines. These include things like having keyword rich content, using relevant keywords in the title tag and meta description, ensuring that headings are appropriately structured using H1, H2 or H3 tags and so on.

Let’s check the complete On page SEO checklist :

1. HTML validation errors.

There are two types of validation errors:

  • Those that don’t matter at all. You don’t need to worry about these, and if you do see one, it’s probably just a warning from Google’s webmaster tools that there was a problem with your site.
  • Those that can cause serious problems for your site (or even permanently damage it). If you see any of those, contact an expert immediately to fix them before they cause further trouble!

2. Title tag length

The title tag is the most important element of your page’s SEO. It should be unique, and it should not be repeated on any other page on your website.

The title tag should be descriptive, but not overly long. The title tag should be no longer than 70 characters in length; this will help Google display it in their search engine results pages (SERPs). Your titles should also be written using sentence case (e.g., “How-to” instead of HOW TO) and lowercase letters only (e.g., “howto”).

3. Appropriate keywords in the meta description tag

The meta description tag is not a ranking factor, but it’s still important to include keywords in this field.

The meta description tag is used by search engines to display your page in search results. It should be between 160-220 characters long, and it should be unique for every page on your site.

4. Use META Robots tag

The META Robots tag is used to control the indexing of a page by search engines. It’s placed in the head section of your site, and it tells search engines not to index it. You can use this markup:

5. Headings structured using H1, H2, H3 or H4 tags.

Headings are used to structure content and improve readability. They’re also an indication of the importance of a page, so it makes sense that search engines treat them with special care.

If you have headings on your pages, search engine results will show up in more relevant ways:

  • The first tag appears in bold at the top of your webpage title. This is known as ‘title case’—the exact opposite of how people write headlines for their own websites (e.g., “Benefits Of Using Facebook Ads”).
  • The second or third tag appears below all other text on your page, including those written by humans (you). This is called ‘subheadings’.

6. Use keywords in the first paragraph of content.

  • Use keywords in the first paragraph of content.
  • Use keywords in the first paragraph of a page, post or article.
  • Put your keywords at the beginning of every paragraph in your blog posts and articles.

7. Add ALT attributes to images.

ALT attributes are text that describes an image. They can be used to describe the link or title of an image, and they’re especially useful for people who use screen readers such as JAWS or NVDA.

Search engines use ALT attributes to determine which images are relevant to a particular topic on your website, so it’s important that you include them in every image you upload. If you have an image that contains text that describes what each part of the picture is supposed to be (i.e., “This is how dogs behave around their owner” instead of just “Dog”), then you should include those descriptions when uploading images onto your site so search engines will know how they correspond with each other when determining relevance scores for each piece together as one larger whole unit called “page.”

8 Add a meaningful description to every internal link on that page.

When you are linking to a page, it’s important that the description of the link is relevant to what you’re linking too. It should also be unique and short so that people don’t just copy-paste it over and over again. The description should be descriptive, interesting, natural and human readable.

9. Link to other relevant pages within the site.

You can link to other relevant pages within your site, or external sites. This is done by using the internal linking feature in your CMS and adding a link shortener as well.

You can also link directly to another page on another site:

  • Internal Links: By using this method, you are able to link directly from one page within your site (say, product page) straight into another page within that same domain (e.g., another product page). This is useful if you want people who have visited one of your pages before coming back again later on without having any trouble finding where they left off when they return!

10. Keyword density:

The number of times a keyword appears on a page


So that’s it! As you can see, there are a lot of ways to optimize your site and make it easier for search engines to find. Remember that all of these tips are just suggestions, so feel free to add some extra touches if you think they’ll help. We hope this on page seo checklist will help guide your efforts as well as give you an idea what kind of results might be possible when doing SEO work on your website for keywords related to your niche.

Also check SEO benefits for small businesses

By arun

On DigitalYantras, I share my thoughts, and experiments with various digital marketing tools. I offer blogging, guest posting services . Let's connect on twitter and Linkedin

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