Using popular wordpressTheme No impact in google ranking

Last Updated on March 8, 2022 by arun

One User Sina L.A asked to John Mueller about using the popular WordPress theme which is already used by many users, will it affect the site ranking in google in any way?

John Mueller responded on Twitter, no, he said “popularity of a theme has no effect on SEO at all.”

But just one month back in september 2021, when a user from India asked about changing the wordpress theme :

Google clarified that changing a wordpress theme can directly impact your rankings in Google Search because a new wordpress theme may have issues in page loading speed, internal linking, navigation, content display, site structure among other many factors which comes into effect.

Check the video here

So choose your wordpress theme wisely before activating & adopting the theme.

By arun

On DigitalYantras, I share my thoughts, and experiments with various digital marketing tools. I offer blogging, guest posting services . Let's connect on twitter and Linkedin

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