Last Updated on March 30, 2023 by arun
If you are planning to start a blog or in any way related to the blogging industry then it will be very beneficial to you to know about blogging statistics which will answer your many queries and provide you the data which you can relate to and make appropriate decisons. The below mentioned trends are mostly for b2c businesses.
My favorites or you can say what i have learned from the below-mentioned blogging statistics

Factor’s of a Successful blog :
As clearly stated above quality of content is the most important factor of a successful blog, actually it should be as people looking for answers to their problems on internet and it is the responsibility of bloggers to provide accurate information with proof’s.

The growing trend of investing more time in an article – More time is being invested into each blog article by bloggers annually. In 2014, the average time spent on a blog article before publishing was just 2 hours; by 2020, that number had increased to almost over 4 hours. It’s beneficial to invest extra effort into an article. More than a third (31%) of bloggers who spend six hours or more on a post say it was successful.
Long-form content is working + Links – Bloggers whose posts are 2,000 words or more have a far better chance of being read and generating traffic. Blog entries that are longer than their shorter counterparts may get up to 77.2% more inbound links.
Update your old content regularly – Only 38% of blogs are updating older posts, and 34% of bloggers who do update believe they see significant gains from doing so.
Must Use Visuals (image, video,infographics) – Statistics show that articles containing photos get 94% more views than those without. The majority of bloggers (71%) say that images are an important aspect of their marketing efforts. There is a 35% improvement in conversion rates when actual people’s images are used instead of stock photos.
General Blogging Statistics 2023
Blogging Current trends and General stats
- There are more than 600 million blogs out of 1.9 billion websites.
- In 2020, the United States had 31.7 million bloggers. A growing number of talented bloggers have emerged. In the United States, the number of bloggers rise by 10 million between 2014 and 2020.
- Approximate 70 million new WordPress blog posts are published each month and 77 million new comments are generated
- In 2020, there were 31.7 million bloggers in the United States.
- Among all the places to go for reliable information on the Internet, blogs are considered to be the fifth best option.
- Blogs are widely read (77%) by internet users.
- There is a threefold increase in time spent on blogs compared to email among US internet users.
- Around 17% of readers would rather read a headline that explains “how to” do something, making it the third most popular kind of headline.
- While almost half of bloggers (46%) edit their posts themselves, the remaining 54%) use editors or have someone else go over their posts before publication.
- About half of blog readers (43%) confess to just reading the first few sentences.
- List-based headlines are more appealing to readers than other formats, according to a survey.
- 8 times as many people read long-form material as short-form, and 3 times as many people share it on social media, and 9 times as many people become leads because of it.
- Titles between six and thirteen words in length tend to get the most clicks over time.
- While the closure rate for outbound leads (1.7% for direct mail and 1.61% for print advertising) is low, the close rate for inbound leads (14.6%) is high thanks to SEO.
- Content creation is the most successful SEO approach, according to 72% of internet marketers.
- Over half of bloggers think it is more difficult to gain visitors from Facebook, and roughly a fifth say the same thing about Google.
- There was a 93% year-over-year rise in the number of blogs using promotional strategies, such as sponsored advertisements, to boost readership.
- 60% of blogs write 1-5 guest posts per month.
- 62.96 percent of blog readers think blogs with numerous writers are more reliable.
- In 2017, 66% of marketers said they used blogs as part of their social media content.
- Almost all bloggers (95.9%) use social media to spread the word about their latest pieces.
- The majority of bloggers (69%) admit to including social sharing buttons on their sites.
- As much as 43% of customers want marketers to provide them with video material.
- Currently, one-fifth of bloggers regularly include video into their postings.
- Adding audio to your blog content, such as a podcast, may increase your readership by 45%.
- When compared to textual information, videos are 50 times more likely to result in a user doing a search.
- In fact, 32% of marketers feel that visual pictures are the most crucial kind of content for their companies.
Interesting Read :
Entertainment Niche Ideas for blogging to earn money online
How Google identify PBN’s or Private Link Networks
Upcoming affiliate Marketing Conferences
I will update this post once more statistics are released.
On DigitalYantras, I share my thoughts, and experiments with various digital marketing tools. I offer blogging, guest posting services . Let’s connect on twitter and Linkedin